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Walt Whitman to Daniel G. Gillette, 26 September [1873]

Dear Sir,2

I am delighted to please you in so trifling a matter as signing the pictures for your—and my—English friends—(substituting portraits I like better, instead of those you sent, which I don't like—though they are fine bits of work.) . . .

Walt Whitman


  • 1. Transcript. [back]
  • 2. According to the New York Directory of 1874–1875, Gillette, which Whitman spelled Gilette (see Whitman's November 4, 1873 letter to Gillette), was a clerk in the county courthouse. An undated entry in one of Walt Whitman's address books (Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of Walt Whitman, The Library of Congress, Notebook #108) indicates that Gillette was at one time employed in the postmaster's office in New York. [back]
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