I ... return'd last evening from ten days down in the Jersey woods....1
I have just concluded a contract with J. R. Osgood and Co of Boston for the publishing of my poems complete in one volume, under the title of "Walt Whitman's Poems" (the old name of "Leaves of Grass" running through the same as ever)—to be either a $2. book or a $2.50 one—if the former, I to have 25 cts royalty, if the latter, 30 cts )—The proposition for publication came from them. The bulk of the pieces will be the same as hitherto—only I shall secure now the consecutiveness and ensemble I am always thinking of—Book will probably be out before winter.
Nothing very new otherwise—you must have kept posted about my Boston jaunt, for I sent you papers—it was altogether a curious success—not so much in quantity as quality—
Last January, I think it was, I took a bad chill—bothered me for over two months, lingering along—but I believe the Boston jaunt drove the last of it away....
My forthcoming summer movements are not exactly decided—probably go on to Boston for two or three weeks, as I like to keep a sharp eye on my proofs and typography—then I must go a month in Canada—I will keep you posted, and will try to pay you a visit, too2—how is 'Sula? Write soon.
Walt Whitman