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Walt Whitman to John Burroughs, 24 February 1878

Dear J B1

I am agreeable to the Lecture project—if it could be well put through—About the middle of April (the anniversary of the eve or night of Lincoln's murder) might be a good night—Every thing would depend on how it was fixed up & prepared for & put through—Let me hear more particulars—I could be ready to splurge April 14th or 15th—

I am well, considering—in good flesh, appetite & trim generally—Only return'd last night from a long jaunt & absence down at my secluded creek—

Write me immediately, & I will you—

I am thoroughly willing & agreeable—

Yours as always Walt Whitman


  • 1. On February 3, 1878, John Burroughs informed Whitman that Richard Watson Gilder wanted to organize a "benefit" in New York at which the poet was to lecture on Lincoln (see also the letter from Whitman to Burroughs of March 11, 1878). Burroughs suggested that Stedman and Swinton should be invited to support the project. Whitman wrote on the envelope of Burroughs's letter: "(first suggestion of lecture)." [back]
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