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Walt Whitman to John Burroughs, 26 November 1880

Dear John

What could you do, towards helping me in the matter by these two pages?—badly copied, but I can't write them out—I have sent duplicates of the two pp to Watson Gilder1 & said I requested you to see him soon as convenient.

I am ab't​ as usual, except the locomotion business is worse, making a bad drawback, rendering me indeed at times practically helpless. I rec'd​ your letter—I thought Stedman's article full as good as could be expected2—Marvin call'd here yesterday, but I was absent & didn't see him—



  • 1. For images and a transcription of these pages, see Whitman's letter to Richard Watson Gilder of November 26, 1880. [back]
  • 2. Burroughs on November 2, 1880, informed Whitman of Stedman's difficulties in getting his article printed in Scribner's Monthly over the objections of Holland, the editor, and observed: "The article is candid & respectful & that is all we can ask. . . . it seems to me that the adverse criticisms in the paper are all weak & ineffectual, & that he is truly at home only when he is appreciative. How gingerly he does walk at times to be sure, as if he feared the ground underfoot was mined" (T.E. Hanley Collection, University of Texas). Interestingly, Whitman did not comment on the following passage in Burroughs's letter: "Dr Bucke is a good fellow, but between me & you, I am a little shy of him: I fear he lacks balance & proportion & that his book will not be pitched in the right key. But I hope I do him injustice." [back]
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