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Walt Whitman to Karl Knortz, 20 April 1883

Thank you heartily for the German renderings2—which have been duly rec'd​ .

Walt Whitman


  • 1. In 1883, Karl Knortz (1841–1918), the author of many articles on German-American affairs, was living in New York City. [back]
  • 2. In his letters to Whitman that year Knortz frequently included "German renderings" of poems in Leaves of Grass. Later he assisted Thomas W. H. Rolleston in Grashalme (Zurich: Verlags-Magazin, 1889), a German translation of Leaves key to Whitman's influence in Germany. See Walter Grünzweig, Constructing the German Walt Whitman (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1995). [back]
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