431 Stevens Street,
New Jersey,
U. S.
July 24th, 1882.
Yours received with enclosure.1 Thanks, dear friend.
I am well. H[arry] S[tafford] is well.
I shall send you both books, soon as the S.D. is ready. The present edition L of G.
satisfied me more than any hitherto. I am now printing Specimen Days.
W. W.
- 1. Whitman referred to
Carpenter's letter of March 16, in which he
enclosed a letter from a friend named Sharp(?), who termed Leaves of Grass "a barbaric work" and Whitman "the poet of anarchy,
confusion, lawlessness, disorder, 'anomia,' chaos," who was not even
"cosmopolitan" (Horace Traubel, With Walt Whitman in
Camden [Boston: Small, Maynard, 1906], 1:252–253). Whitman was
amused and impressed: "I kind o' take to the man: he tumbles me clear over as a
matter of conscience—I respect him for it" (Traubel, 1:253). [back]