I am back here in New York, stopping for a couple of days at this hotel1—as Dr Bucke & his sister2 are here (she is in poor health, & they are here to
consult a special physician)—we wanted to be together till Monday or Tuesday,
when they start back for Canada—Then I shall go up & stay with Mr &
Mrs Johnston3—so if you write (& I wish you
would soon after getting this—have you seen Eddy?) direct to me Mott avenue & 149th street—Station L, New York City
(same as before I went on to Boston)—I havn't heard
from you all now in a
I came on yesterday from Boston4—As I told you in my last every thing went on there satisfactory5—& my treatment from Osgood has been of the best—the prospect for the book (sales &c) seems to be fair—there are already quite a number of orders—it is all ready, & will be delivered & for sale 4th Nov. —There will come a box (or bundle) by express to me probably to-day or to-morrow from Osgood, contains some of the books—Lou dear you open & take one out for yourself, as I suppose you would like to see how it looks—leave the bundle tied up in the dark stout paper, as it contains only some MSS and stuff—also there may come a roll of printed matter for me, to be put up in my room—it will be directed to you "for W W"—(as any thing directed to me is liable to be forwarded here from Camden p o)—
I am well as usual—I shall stay here in N Y ten or twelve days & then home for a while6—Lou I expect to spend a good part of the winter up in London, as I quite like it, & they have great plenty of room, grub, servants & every thing—I am enjoying the day & time (Sunday forenoon) here at this big hotel—& it is a rouser, (as you will see by the picture)—Dr B. and the Sister have gone over to church to Brooklyn to hear Beecher7—& I have been & am having a good nice time sitting here by myself reading the Sunday Tribune, & writing this & one or two more letters—affectionately—
Brother Walt—The books are for sale to any that want them—price $2—I will drop you a line a day or two before I come back