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Walt Whitman to Gilbert A. Tracy, 19 December 1867

G. A. Tracy,  
 My dear Sir:

Your note has been received. I published last edition of Leaves of Grass myself—& sell it. The price is $3. I send it from here by mail. Mr. Burroughs's Notes can be easily obtained by writing to the publishers, American News Company, 121 Nassau st., New York City. The price is $1.

Thanks for your kind wishes.

Walt Whitman


  • 1. Gilbert A. Tracy (1835–1918) was at this time a clerk in the War Department. Before the war he had been a teacher in Connecticut. Later he became a noted collector of Lincolniana, and published Uncollected Letters of Abraham Lincoln (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1917). [back]
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