Dear father
i1 now take the plesure of writing a few lines yo hoping they find yo well i am quite well and in the convalesent Camp i long to see yo and have a talk with yo thair hante inny news here we had a good dinner here to day
father yo must excuse me for not writing a long letter for my hand trembls so that i cant write well father write to me and if yo can come and see me good by for this time from Wm E Vandemark to friend Walt Whitman
i am in barick 43 Addres Camp Convalesint Elickazandry [Soldiers nicknamed Alexandria "Camp Misery".]
- 1. William E. Vandemark, a
private in Company I of the 120th New York Infantry, was wounded at the Battle
of Chancellorsville on May 3, 1863. Whitman noted that Vandemark was placed in
bed 39Ward B at Armory Square Hospital, and Whitman may have
written a letter to Vandemark's sister Sarah in Accord, New York (Edward F.
Grier, ed., Notebooks and Unpublished Prose Manuscripts
[New York: New York University Press, 1984], 2:644). Vandemark returned home on
furlough and was briefly transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps during the
summer of 1864 before returning to his regiment. He was killed on a skirmish
line during the charge on Fort Davis at Petersburg, Virginia, on September 28,
1864. [back]