You did not write any answer to my last two letters, now quite a while ago, still I will write again. I still remain here in Washington, finding just about work enough to pay my expenses. Occasionaly go to Armory Hospital. I see Lewy Brown always, he has returned from his furlough, he told me a few days ago he had written to you, & had sent you my best respects—I told him he must never send my respects to you but always my love. Lewy's leg has not healed, gives him trouble yet. He goes around with crutches, but not very far. He is the same good young man as ever, & always will be.
Well, Tom, it looks as though secesh was nearly played out—if they lose Charleston, as I believe they will soon, seems to be they may as well give it up—Some think that Lee will make another dash up this way, but I should think Gettysburgh might last him a while yet.
Dear brother, how I should like to see you—& would like to know how things have gone with you for three months past. I cant understand why you have ceased to correspond with me. Any how I hope we shall meet again, & have some good times. So, dearest comrade, good bye for present & God bless you.2