I1 have since learned that you called at the "DeSoto" immediately after I had left. I remained there till 6:30 P.M. & thinking that you were prevented calling by another engagement, I left for home. I would be happy to meet you at any time you may be pleased to appoint. In company with Capt Holbrook I invited a gentleman, who has a relative—a prisoner of war at Camp Chase, Ohio. he is desirous of obtaining the name of nyp.00231.002.jpgsome Captains, an order to obtain his exchange, by securing the release of the Captains. Your brother's name was given & the party promised to act upon it immediately. I can say nothing of its results.
Several of my brother officers are desirous of obtaining a copy of "the Reconnysance" by Capt Sim's. & I would esteem it as a great favor, if you would enclose it, in a letter & send it to my address. I will assure you of its being returned in good order.
You will please accept a copy of my Ca[illegible] accounts in exchange for your own. nyp.00231.003.jpg With every assurance of respect I remain