I rec'd the letter you wrote last Wednesday1—It has been rainy weather again here, & plenty of mud—Sunday afternoon I was at the Hospital—that young man that was so low with bleeding at the lungs, Kephart,2 was easier—he was very bad just after I wrote last week—but Sunday it seemed as though he might recover yet if he had good luck—he has written to his folks at Harper's Ferry, West Va.
I went up to the Capitol Sunday night—Congress was in full blast in both houses—they paid no more attention to its being Sunday, than if it was any other day—which I thought a very good sign—the Radicals have passed their principal measures over the President's vetos—as you will see in the papers. There is much talk about impeachment—but I think it is very doubtful if there is any impeachment3—
O mother, I must not forget to tell the great news among Clerks (far more important than Reconstruction, or impeaching Andy)—that is, we are going to have 20 percent addition to our pay, for the present year—that is, I shall get quite a handsome little sum, back pay, & about $25 additional, a month, till 1st of July next—if I stay here. We havnt got the money yet, but I suppose it is sure—
I like my boarding house very well, take it altogether—we have a tip-top table—& the folks are kind & accommodating.4
The Old Congress went out yesterday, & the new one (the 40th) organized right away—the Republicans have a strong majority5—
It is dark & rainy this forenoon here—snow & drizzle—
Mother, you must not imagine any thing about me—I am having good times enough—"eat well & sleep well," as Dr. Ruggles6 says—& have a pocket full of money—which you can call upon when you want any—as I look out of the window while I write, I see we are having a little snow for a change—So good bye for this time, mother dear—Love to George & Jeff & all,7
Walt.Walt Whitman first wrote of Andrew J. Kephart in his February 26, 1867 letter to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman. Kephart was a soldier from Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, admitted from the 44th Regiment Infantry for bleeding at the lungs.
Walt Whitman also wrote about Kephart's recovery in his March 12 and March 19, 1867 letters to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, and by Whitman's letter of April 2, 1867, Kephart had "quite recovered."