Mr. Whitman has shown me your letter of October 12, with news of Mr. Hotten's proposed London print of Leaves of Grass or selection therfrom, edited by Mr. Rosetti, with an Introductory Essay or preface, by Mr. R.
Now, in view of the latter, if I may take the liberty, I wish to speak of two or three points, or rather, enforce them—for no doubt they will, to a certain extent, have occurred to Mr. Rosetti. But as I have made Leaves of Grass & their author my study for the last seven years, & have had some fortuitous advantages, perhaps Mr. Rosetti would not consider it intrusive in me, that I send this letter, which I wish you to hand him.
Considering the attitude of the public, and their average calibre, and also considering the general bearing of most of the criticisms on Mr. Whitman's poetry, I would suggest the expediency, in any forthcoming, friendly examination of his genius & writings, of dwelling pretty strongly on the following points, & making them unmistakably appear:
These are the points, my dear Conway, that I wish, through you, to submit to Mr. Rosetti. I have mentioned to Mr. Whitman my intention of writing him, & he, W., has made no objection. I would add, for myself, for Mr. Rosetti, that I hope he will not be deterred from giving fullest swing to what I am sure I have discovered in him, namely, an intuitional admiration & appreciation of our Poet, by the ostensibly timid attitude held at present by the critical & reading world toward Leaves of Grass—but hope he will strike at that loftier, honestly enthusiastic range of minds & readers, which, perhaps by the time Mr. Hotten's volume gets well in the hands of the public, will prove the genuine audience Mr. Whitman is certain of.
Again asking pardon of Mr. Rosetti for perhaps intruding these suggestions—yet placing them in any & every respect at his service should they be so fortunate as to strike him favorably—I remain &c &c
Address: "M. D. Conway, | 14 Milborne Grove, | Brompton W. | London, | England."
This draft letter was prepared by Walt Whitman for William D. O'Connor to copy and send to Conway, who was Walt Whitman's agent for the forthcoming English edition; see Whitman's letters of July 24 and November 1, 1867 to Moncure D. Conway. In 1888 Whitman did not remember whether O'Connor "had used it or not." "I must," he said to Horace Traubel, "have been intending to assist him in something he was to say to Conway. If he used it at all he probably recast it in his own manner" (With Walt Whitman in Camden [1906–1996], 1:381–382). The probabilities are that O'Connor sent it without substantial alteration. William Michael Rossetti noted in his diary, on November 28, 1867, that O'Connor "has written another letter (not yet in Conway's hands) setting forth the points he would wish insisted on in any prefatory work of mine. I replied to him in cordial terms, but to the effect that the Preface and part of the Selection are now in print, and cannot well be remodelled" (Rossetti Papers [London: Sands & Co, 1903], 244).
A draft of this letter in the Charles E. Feinberg Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman, 1839–1919, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., includes two notations, written at different times: "Part of Wm O'Connor's | letter to Conway. | Nov. 10, 1867. . . . Good for | use in | review of Leaves | of Grass."
That Whitman took pains in composing the letter is evidenced by the many changes he made in the draft which he retained and which Horace Traubel printed. He observed to Traubel: "It gives my idea of my own book: a man's idea of his own book—his serious idea—is not to be despised. I do not lack in egotism, as you know—the sort of egotism that is willing to know itself as honestly as it is willing to know third or fourth parties" (With Walt Whitman in Camden [1906–1996], 1:83).