I shall return to Washington next Saturday, 15th—William, it would be a favor if you would secure me a room to lodge & quarter in2—(look at the Dyer Hotel—it is a one-horse place, but might answer—or the Union hotel at Georgetown)—just needed for temporary purposes, (unless I find it sufficiently inviting to make me a "permanency")—
I do not feel to be very particular—only it would be so much off one's mind to have a specific point to make for—Write to me, so that I may get the letter Friday, 14th—or else meet me at the depot at 10 Saturday evening, if eligible—
All goes "as well as could be expected" with me—that's the phrase you know in parturition cases—& have not I been just delivered—& of triplets?3—I am hearty in health, & good spirits, Mother is well—also George—& in fact the whole Whitman family.
Have not heard a word from you or Nelly, since your letter—Has Nelly returned yet? Where is Charles Eldridge? I write this in my room home, early afternoon—Mother & I having had tete-a-tete dinner—so good & quiet—& this bright mellow October weather around us—I am now off for a couple of hours on the river & bay.