It will be very easy to come here—get out at West Philadelphia & come down in Market st. horse cars to ferry, foot of Market st—cross to Camden, it is only 1/3d of a mile from ferry. Send me word a day ahead & I will meet you at West Philadelphia. We have plenty of room. Come whenever convenient. You will find me much better—to-day I feel like getting well, (& confidently expect to)—wish you were here to-day—'twould be most like old times—
W WYour letter & paper just rec'd —
This postcard bears the address, "Pete Doyle, | M street South, bet 4½ & 6th | Washington, D.C." It is postmarked: "Camden | Mar(?)| 23 | N.J.; Carrier | 24 | Mar | 8 AM."
This is the postcard to which Whitman refers in March 26–27, 1874 letter to Doyle.