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Walt Whitman to Peter Doyle, 21 April [1874]

Friday's letter rec'd​ —also that of Sunday—also papers—Graphic this morning—I feel pretty fair to-day considering—Keep on about same—(cloudy & sunshine)—Rain here too past four days, but I go out—clear to-day—I get or see N.Y. and Phil.​ papers nearly all, & the Wash. Chronicle & the Capital—Write me how new train makes out—Do you go through to Balt​ only—or further? Am glad Buck is your conductor—

Your old Walt


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    This postcard bears the address, "Pete Doyle, | M street South, bet 4½ & 6th | Washington, D.C." It is postmarked: "Camden | Apr | 21 | N.J.; Carrier | 22 | Apr (?)| (?)."

    The reference to the new express train here and in Whitman's May 1, 1874 letter to Doyle permits assignment of this postcard to 1874.

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