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Walt Whitman to Peter Doyle, 16 April [1875]

Condition tolerable—I keep good heart yet—have no doubt I shall be able to come to Wash[ington]—but when, don't know now—John Bur[roughs] was here last night to see me, on his way to Wash[ington]—hope you are all right—do you like the berth?—papers, card, &c. rec'd​ —Can't you come on, & get back to Balt[imore] in time?



  • 1.

    This postcard bears the address, "Pete Doyle, | M street South—bet 4½ & M. | Washington, D.C." It is postmarked: "Camden | Apr | 16 | N.J.; Carrier | 17 | Apr | 8 (?) AM."

    The correspondence (again chiefly postcards) with Doyle in April and May was sent on Fridays, according to Whitman's habit. At this time Doyle was working out of Baltimore; note Whitman's April 30, 1875, and June 25, 1875 letters to Doyle. This postcard can be positively dated on the basis of Burroughs' visit; see his letter to Dowden on May 4, 1875, quoted by Clara Barrus, Whitman and Burroughs—Comrades (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1931), 94.

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