Keep along about the same—(thankful to be as well as I am)—have had two days of rainy, cloudy weather—but it has cleared off bright, & I am just going out for an hour or two—O that I had you with me—Happy New Year—
WThis postcard is addressed, "Pete Doyle, | M st. South bet 4½ & 6th | Washington D. C." It is postmarked: "Camden | (?) | (?) 9 | N.J.; Carrier | 30 | Dec | 8 AM."
This postcard cannot be assigned to a specific year because the allusions to Whitman's health are vague and in fact applicable to almost any time between 1873 and 1876, and there are no concrete references to events which would make dating possible. However, it was written on a standard government postcard which was redesigned in 1876.