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Walt Whitman to Peter Doyle, 1 September [1878]

Still keep real well & hearty considering—Anticipate visiting Wash[ington] sometime this winter—Saw your friend Ch: Johnson2 a few evenings since on the ferry—had quite a talk about you, &c—

Nothing very new in my affairs—(nothing to complain of)—Very hot here to-day—bad for yellow fever if prevalent, & continuous—



  • 1. This letter bears the address: Pete Doyle | M Street South bet 4½ | & 6th | Washington D C. It is postmarked: Carrier | Sep | 3 | (?) AM. [back]
  • 2. According to a notation in Whitman's Commonplace Book, Charles Johnson was a railroad man who had been on a train with Doyle for six months. Whitman met him on the Federal Street ferry boat on August 28 (Commonplace Book, Charles E. Feinberg Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman, 1839–1919, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.). [back]
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