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Walt Whitman to William D. O'Connor, 15 March [1883]

If you have, or can think of, or select any thing—(it may be a line or two—or a quarter or half a page)—for a motto like, to back the appendix title page that precedes your letter & G[ood] G[ray] P[oet]2—send it to me—will do, if sent within a week—

W. W.


  • 1. This letter is endorsed: "Answ'd March 19/83." It is addressed: Wm D O'Connor | Care Dr W F Channing | 98 Congdon Street | Providence | Rhode Island | p o box | 393. It is postmarked: Philadelphia | Mar | 15 | 1883 | 5 PM | Pa. [back]
  • 2. On March 19 O'Connor offered two suggestions: the lines referring to Longinus in Pope's Essay on Criticism and three lines from Hamlet (Charles E. Feinberg Collection, Library of Congress, Washington D.C.). Either Bucke or Whitman decided not to follow his proposals, and inserted a quotation from "a letter to R. M. B., by W. F., Mobile, Ala., March, 1883" (Richard Maurice Bucke, Walt Whitman [Philadelphia: David McKay, 1883], 72). Bucke wrote to O'Connor about the motto on March 30 (The Library of Congress, Washington D.C.). [back]
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