I have just received a letter from you1 and as I am rocking the baby2 I thought I would
answer it but you will have
to take it written with pencil I feel a little annoyed that Jeff
should have written you about Jess although it was an aweful scene and I do not want
to witness another for I must say I never was so frightened in my life I cannot
write you the particulars it would take so long he commenced at Hattie because she
pushed a chair it was not what she done for he wanted a chance all day to have a
muss with
some one he
flew at Hattie uttering a terrible oath I protected her and told him to let her
alone she had done no harm then he said 'I would not hurt the child no indeed but
you D_ old B_ you have been picking at me all day and I will soon put an end to you
he flew right owu.00002.002.jpg towards
me he looked just like a madman and what he would have done if your mother had not
interfered the Lord only knows I still thought I would not let him see I was affraid and I told him he better try it if he dare to when he flew at me again and
said he did not mean to hurt me but now he Be D_ if he would'nt knock my brains out
such a D_ fool as I was hadn't right to live I managed to get out of the basement3
but it was a long time before I could get up stairs when Jeff came home I told him
about it and he was very much excited and was going downstairs but I beged of him to stay you know Dear Brother how Impulsive Jeff is but come to the
point I dont think Jeff would do a rash act any quicker than I or you would he is naturrally so good and kind my back achued two or three days and it made Jeff very
angry I do not have Jess up in my room any more he has not rocked the baby since
that Friday4 he is very ugly and irritable he sleeps till late every afternoon Mother
feels very bad that I wont have him up stairs because it deprives her the pleasure of
spending most of her time with me and especially her evenings5 but
owu.00002.003.jpg he has such ugly
spells that I am affraid of him last week he got angry at Hattie twice and made
terrible threats and this conduct is nothing new only he used to confine it to your
mother I have often seen him take up a chair to throw at her but we must submit to
it and try to bear with him I think sometimes it is very hard for mother to have so
much trouble she feels it more now than ever before but I can never consent to have
him in my room again I think Poor Dear Andrews death has shocked him very much6 I
think just as much of him now as I ever did but he has taken such a dislike to
Hattie that I am affraid to have him up stairs he sometimes says if he could be where there was no
young ones he would get his senses but you must not think any thing of what Jeff
said about shooting him for you must know he wouldn't do any thing of the kind
Well Dear Brother I dont know as there is any news to write about we are here about
the same as when you left7 only we miss Andrew coming around every day Jimmy has been
very sick he has had the Gastric fever but is better now, when I think about Andrews
family it makes owu.00002.004.jpg me
feel very bad they are so utterly distitute Mother sent them 50 cts last Thursday and afterwards I thought I would go arround and see Jimmy I took him a chicken he said he thought he would get well
now, he liked chicken I asked Nancy if she had things to eat she said yes I knew by
her manner it was not so and come to question her she had nothing but a crust of
bread I gave her a Dollar it was all the money I had and I sent her arround a large basket of Provisions when Jeff came home I told him about it he
went arround to see Nancy intending to give her some money but Milgate8 had just been
there and gave her $30.00—he raffled off Andrews tools at 25 cts a chance
it came in first rate and this morning Cornell9 sent for Nancy and told her he would
buy her a sewing Machine but she will never make out much as she is in the street
most all day I feel very sorry for her her case is aweful she is going to have another child10 and it seems as if the creature cant do
much but it seems as if the Lord always provides for the Widow and I feel confident
that He will provide for her Mr Rodgers lost his wife very suddenly last week you
know him he lives in this street and Jenny Ward11 has lost her husband he died to his
fathers went over there to see his doctor last Friday week and died the following
Monday Jenny was here the night he died she said she expected him over the next day
you know he has been sick a long time he was found dead in his chair. We are very
lonesome here Jeff has gone away again he is now at Albany12 I expect him home Friday
Dear Brother I commenced this letter Monday and I am finishing it today Wednesday
Mother has just received a letter from you and she said she could not put Jess in
the Asylum that it would be time enough when she was dead that she could not stand
it to see him go he
does not seem any worse than he has been and untill matters get worse I dont think
you could pursuade her to send him Well Dear Brother you see I am rather crowding
things on this page and I shall have to stop I have been trying to plan some way to
send you a mince pie I made 17 large ones and they are splendid
if you could get a pass I think it would pay to come home and I will make you some
[illegible] cakes just think about it I sometimes wonder if we
will ever live together again and have George home going to work every day like he
used to Wouldn't it be pleasant now I think I have told you all the news but I must
not finish without saying something about my two little darlings Hattie is about as
mischievous as ever a great deal of company for me now Jeff is away she is better
than when you was home and little California I think is just about cunning enough she is
fatter than ever and when I think about them both I flatter myself that I have got
about the nicest prettiest little creatures that can be found any where. Now Dear
Brother I will close and if you will write me again I will answer.