I received your letter and was right glad to get it1 I am in rather a writing mood
today and have written a long letter to Han2 I also enclosed one from Jeff it was a
very long and lively one and I thought it would please her. I am having very
pleasant times here, sometimes, it is very gay, it it the style here when any one
has company every one calls on them. tomorrow I have to return quite a number it is
quite a bore to me to make fashionable calls but of course I must submit to it. but
what I enjoy most of any thing else is sitting in my window looking down the Susquanhanna for miles and on the opposite side long ranges of the Alleganny Mountains they are mostly cultivated and their is something delightful
about the scenery I would never tire looking at it we have not had what I call a
real hot day owu.00003.002.jpg this
summer the children are very happy and contented seldom talk about home they are
very fat and burnt Hattie talks a good deal about seeing you, and says she is going
out with Uncle Walt. I write to Mother quite often it seems to cheer her up to get
letters, I tell her every little particular I have been to a number of picnics they are very pleasant. this week we expect to go to the
Barclay coal mines3 every one around here seems related some way to Mr or Mrs Mason
we also go riding a good deal the time passes quickly and I am much pleased that I
decided to come here I expect to leave for Washington with Mary & Jule the 29th
ins't Wont you come and
me Walt
before you leave for Brooklyn4 I want to see you very much about those "Notes"5 I would
like much to have a copy but think it hardly worth while to send them here but you
will save me a copy when I come to Washington I dont think of any more to write at
present and it is getting late and I want yet to write one to Mother bidding you
good night I remain your Affectionate sister
I forgot to tell you the children said before they went to sleep to give their love to Uncle Walt