We received your letter today and I feel as if you could not get me a room without a great deal of trouble I suppose as Congress is in session that every place is taken up. I was thinking perhaps I could stay the first night with Mrs O Conner as they have invited me to come, I could sleep with Jennie and the next day I will visit Masons and if they should seem clever and ask me to stay with them I will do so. anyway dont bother about it for we will get some place after I get there. the only reason I would like to stop one night with Mr O Conner is that
I will get there in the evening and I have no doubt when I call on Masons they will insist on my staying with them
Mother says she will not write this week. the draft came all right and when you write again send her some envolopes she is about as well as usual some days quite lame.
I cant say the day I will come but will write again it will be some time next week
Yours truly Mattie