I have received a good many letters and books etc. from you and have been very neglectful to thank you for remembering me but you must know dear brother that I think just as much of you as if I did write we talk about you and dear Mammy every day and wish it could be that you would visit us. we have such a nice home and the children are so large that you would enjoy them
I often think of what you used to say about Hattie when she was a wild noisy little creature that was 'be patient Mattie she will make a fine girl' she is every thing that we would desire Jeff takes her out a great deal and it improves her much Jessie is not
behind her they both study hard and it is my greatest ambition to have them educated as Mammy says there will be one rich Whitman I would prefer to spend our money on the children.
Now dear brother I want to talk a little business with you Jeff and I have you know wanted Mammy to make us a visit but when she lived in Brooklyn she thought she couldn't come on account of Eddy but now George has Ed—and we think that Mammy can and ought to make us a visit we would make her so comfortable and Jeff would take her out riding I know she wants to come I wish you would write as soon as you receive this and tell me what you think about it. I intend starting for Camden next week and dont you think you could come on and see me then I can talk to you so much better than
write and it seems so long since I have seen you that you must come if you can. I had a letter from Lou a few days ago and she wanted me to bring the children but I will not bring them it would not do. Jeff will be home and everything will go on just the same as if I was here Now Walt dont say that we cant have Mammy for we have set our hearts on it and the children are wild with delight at the prospect
I hav'nt much to write about Jeff is quite busy but he is well and has good times he sometimes says if I was only strong and well that his cup of happiness would be complete but there is always an if still I cannot complain some days I feel real strong and then the weather is bad and that affects me more than anything else but when I see you I
will have a good talk
the children have just returned from dancing school and are practicing some new steps they send lots of love to you and told me they would write soon Jeff has gone to the Opera and now with much love
I subscribe myself your devoted Sister Mattie