I will write a line only—My paralysis still leaves me extremely feeble—& with great distress in the head—but I shall certainly recover—mind just as clear as ever. I have lost my dear, dear sister Martha, in St. Louis—I appreciate your kind letter, Abby dear, and it is possible when I get better it may be just the thing for me to come on a few days—but at present I can hardly move ten steps without feeling sick—I am sitting here now in the rocking chair in my room writing this—most of the time alone which suits me best—it is paralysis of left side—Love to all—
Walt(My address is Solicitors Office Treasury)
This letter's envelope bears the address, "Abby H. Price | 331 East 55th street | New York City." It is postmarked: "Washington | Feb | 21 | D.C."