I only write again this week (I wrote last Tuesday) to inform you that the Attorney General has promoted me. I have now a real good berth, what they call a third class clerk with the pay of $1600 a year.1 I shall have about $127 a month (they take a little off, every time they pay, on acc't of gov't tax.) Besides I have now a regular appointment, instead of being a temporary clerk, as before. I was appointed last Wednesday, my new grade & pay commence on Nov. 1st—I haven't got a letter from home for ten or twelve days. The Attorney General has gone to New York—he is badly afflicted with sore eyes, & has gone there to see the best oculists—
My cold, or whatever it is, is better to-day—I hope you are all well—Good bye, dear mother. Write soon.
Walt.Mother, I send some envelopes—You must have paper—you know I left you a great lot, when I was home. I hope you are not sick, dear mother.