Thanks for your good letter—I have had my hands full the last six or eight weeks getting my new book in shape, seeing to every thing, and watching the proofs day & night1—(I have had to read the proofs at night all through)—But now it is over & I begin to feel free again—(And yet I must say I kind of enjoy it, & should like to go through the same job two or three times a year)—I have had the mighty good luck to keep well this summer all through—my usual bad spell (I always expect one after I have felt pretty good awhile) has not come on—
Dear boy I am glad you too keep so well & are having good quiet times—I envy you being down there in the country—(I always thought Clementon2 a much pleasanter spot than you[r] folks appear'd to think it)—I could be satisfied to live there—
—I got a long letter from Herbert3—he is getting along well—traveling and painting—I have also rec'd a letter from Edward Carpenter4—he is well—he sends his love to you—
—Hank perhaps while I am writing this (Sunday noon) you are over home—I wish I was there with you all—
—As I finish my letter a lady opposite is singing & playing the hymn "Nearer my god to Thee"—how beautiful it sounds—
Love to you my darling young brother W.W.—