I am sending you a P.O. order for £10.1 Some of my friends want your books and are forwarding the money through me. I also want one or two copies to give away.
You had better, I think, send the books direct to the following:
Both vols (Leaves of Grass & Two Rivulets) to E. Seymer Thompson Christ's College Cambridge—ditto to Clement Templeton Abernethy House Mount Vernon Hampstead London
One vol (Two Rivulets) to J. J. Harris Teall University Extension Lecturer Nottingham
The rest you had better send to me. But do not send them immediately. I will write again when I know my address at Sheffield (where I am going shortly), and when I know which volumes are wanted.
I have not seen (or heard) anything of Buchanan2 since I have been in England: but I shall bear in mind your message if ever I come across
him. I looked at Augusta Webster's3 poems the other day at a library: but they seemed to me commonplace—rather inclining to be intellectual—and I don't think you would care about them. They were not miscellaneous poems, but one vol: a drama and the other a Chinese story. I have made enquiries but I can not hear of any other vol. If however by any chance you want to have one of these vols write &
tell me and I will send it.
I had a letter from Arunachalaen—my Bengalese friend—whose photo: you have, not long ago. Speaking about you he says 'I have for some time been seriously thinking of writing to him to express my love & reverence'. He also says 'Do send me a photograph of him. I know of no means of getting it. I want if possible also a big one that I could frame & hang up'. I have sent him one of the small photographs that I
By the bye, I wish very much that you would not have that photograph on the fly leaf of Two Rivulets. I do not like it at all. I don't think it is like you. Could you not put, instead, the head of 1871, or that of 1872 (which I admire much)? I have been showing the photographs you gave me to my sister Dora4—whose likeness you have. She is very much impressed with particularly
the last mentioned and wants to make a painting after it in oils. She is getting on finely I think and if I can get it I shall send you a photograph of one of her last—a couple of dogs, a pug and a King Charles.
I am finishing up my preparations for my winter course of lectures. I have got a whole lot of apparatus down here to illustrate 'sound'—organ pipes
and tuning forks and speaking tubes and piano wires stretched on sound boards &c—and am practising experiments on them much to the delight of a small nephew, who understands everything at once—in the most alarming way—
Remember me to Harry5—I would like to know what he is doing—
Yours Edward Carpenter