I have been home and back again since I called upon you in Philadelphia last month. I
often think of you and wish I could stay near you, that I might see and speak to you
sometimes, however, I often read your poems and as Shelley has said, "Poetry is the
record of the greatest happiest moments, of our greatest and best minds." Therefore
in reading your book I feel that I have that which is greatest in you, but the heart
will often rebel against the most logical conclusion, and thus with me I would like
to be near you sometimes. I have only one other friend who has the same power over
me, and that is he of whom I told you in Halifax. I was rather amused (when I told
some of my friends at home that I had seen you), at the ideas they seemed to have of
my object in calling on you. Some thought it was simply because you were a great
man, and they gave me addresses of several well known men in Literature &c.
however, I told them
these other men were not Walt Whitman and that the only others I would have crossed
the Atlantic to see would have been Emerson and Thoreau both of whom are very dear to me.
You may have forgotten all about me: indeed it would be surprising to find it otherwise; but it was not that you should know me, that I came, no—I both knew & loved you before, but I wanted to see & speak to you. It might have been my friend as well as myself who called but I had the opportunity.
I send you a book, that a friend in Glasgow, who is greatly taken with your "Leaves
of Grass" asked me to send to you or take. I cannot very well leave my ship just
now so I post it to you, he would have liked to have sent a more valuable
book but he cannot afford it. I thought it very kind of him, I know he is a dear
soft hearted fellow, and a splendid critic of English Literature. I will be here for
8 days, and I would like very much to know if you are well.
I am glad to be able to tell you that your number of readers in Scotland is greatly increased. They are beginning to understand your teaching much better
I heard that Swinbourne ranks you third of living men. Victor Hugo I know is his great hero.
Wish best wishes Yours affectionately, T. F. Macdonald (Surgeon S.S. Anchoria) Walt Whitman Philadelphia