I1 receive your letter [This letter is currently lost] yesterday and was glad to heer from yo and yo were en Joying good helth as for me i am not well my wound gans very slow the warm wether chafed me all to peces and now with all the rest i have got a large boil on my left knee my famly is well my little girl has ben quite sick but is well agen—
the wether has ben very warm the hotest that i ever saw but yester-day it rained and to day it is cold enuf her to hafore[?] me thare was a funeral here an infant 3 weeks old but i could not tend the funeral—
a nabor man of mine by the name of Felter Calder2 enlisted in the same ridgement that i did desurted rite after the fite at Gitiesburg and came horn and kep hid 3 weeks thare is 30 dollars reward on him i think they had or to hang him my furlow runs out next thursday the 20 but I hante able to come back i have riten to docter blis to have it extended i wish that yo would see him and tel him how it is if i donte heer from him i will come back Just as soon as i am able and let me know what he says about the exstention I will close now good by from a friend and well wishes