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Dr. Le Baron Russell to Walt Whitman, 8 November 1863

Dear Sir:

I1 received the other day from a "Breckinridge Democrat," now converted, the inclosed sum of twenty dollars, after he had read your letter.

I have not lately made any requests of my friends for more thinking you perhaps were well supplied for the present. I shall be happy to hear from you again, & I think I can find more friends hereafter if you should need them.

I send this by a check & I presume they will cash it for you at Willards2 where they know me.

Very truly yours, L. B. Russell.


  • 1. Dr. Le Baron Russell (1814–1819) was a Boston physician who was well acquainted with Ralph Waldo Emerson and James Redpath. Along with other philanthropically minded citizens, Russell sent Whitman money to be used in easing the suffering of the Civil War wounded languishing in the Washington, D.C., area. [back]
  • 2. The Willard was an inn/hotel famous for its lobby and dining establishment often frequented by the well-heeled figures of Washington, D.C. [back]
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