Your kind favor of 22nd [This letter is currently lost] came to hand all O.K. and I1 was glad to here from you and the Hospital Boys and learn that you ware getting along fine. I should like to have been out to the front withe you and seen the old army of Potomac once more for cince we left them we have had no fight or skirmish in that line every thing is dul down here. You say you have had some hard weather of late. We experienced some of it I dare say—
I am glad to know that the boys had such good quarters this winter and hope that they may be able to whip the rebs in the coming contest. I was much pleased to here that Lewis Brown had recovered so much as to go out on pass. tell him to go slow and all will be well in the out come. And tell him that I still look for his & Benedict's photographs. Bartlett's I have.2
Friend Walt there is nothing of importance or interest going on here and camp. Life is pretty lazy at this time we are rejocing at the timely arrival of sweet spring once more Winter has come & gone, and solders begin to feell happy. the weather is tolarable fine at this presant time and the trees begin to bud and the Bird to sing. it will be a beautiful place down here in a few weeks.
There is a large dance house and pleasure garden a bout 1/ 4 from here they are fixing it up for the summer. So you must com down when it gets in full blast a boat will play between here & Washington so it will be handy and I shall expect many of the Boys to come. John Strain is in pretty good Health but his leg has never been of much service to him cince he is expecting his discharge at this time he will get it3. I would like to have some of the contents of the black Balt at this time
I gave that note to Larr and he was muched pleased to here from you, and will reply to it in person. They both wish to be remembered to you and the boys of Hospital. Please to remember me to Miss Lowell4 Brown5, Benedict, Bartlett, & Chas Cate6—also to all others of my acquain[tance]—and dont forget to reserve a due portion for you self I will now close Hoping to Here from you soon, good By
To Walt, I wish to know if you can get aa Photograph taken from the Negitive of mine if so inform me, also of Price as I wish to send for a doz more if it can be done I will send you the money for to have them taken—as soon as we are paid I will send you