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Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 20 November 1866

Dearest mother,

I suppose you got two letters from me last week, Wednesday & Saturday—My cold still troubles me some—I have a good deal of pain in the head—I think it is neuralgia—but I guess I shall get over it—I have good meals, I do not cook for myself, at present—but get my grub at a good New England restaurant—Mother, I received your letter a week ago—there is nothing new in the office—the poor Attorney General has a cataract forming on one of his eyes, & will have to undergo a surgical operation—Mother, I told you all about my promotion & appointment to a regular berth, in Saturday's letter—

Well, mother dear, I will bid you good bye for this week—



  • 1. The envelope for this letter bears the address: Mrs. Louisa Whitman | p. o. Box 218, | Brooklyn, New York. It is postmarked: Washington D. C. | Nov | 20. [back]
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