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Walt Whitman to James R. Osgood, 1 June 1881

My dear Mr Osgood

Yours of May 31 just rec'd—Thanking you warmly for willingness, promptness, &c. my terms are:

25 cts on every copy sold if the retail price is put at $2

30 cts on every copy sold if the retail price is put at $2.501

If these suit you the bargain is settled—you shall be fully fortified as sole publisher with all legal authority—& you can act accordingly in England—If they do not suit no harm done—the thing is off—but with perfect good feeling left on both sides.

Walt Whitman


  • 1. This was Whitman's counterproposal to Osgood's offer of ten per cent. The publisher accepted Whitman's terms on June 3. [back]
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