Camden New Jersey
U S America1
July 12
Yours of June 3d, with enclosure,2 rec'd . Thanks. The books will be sent next mail. I still keep pretty well, for me—just returned here from a month's jaunt, New York-ward—(I sent you a paper with a descriptive letter)3—The G[ilchrist]s are at Northampton, Mass:—all well—(B[eatrice] is at the Woman's Hospital Boston)—This place is still my headquarters—but I get off a good deal.
- 1. This letter bears the
address: Wm M Rossetti | 56 Euston Square | London W | England. It is
postmarked: Camden | Jul | 12 | N.J.; London N.W. | C 7 | Paid | 23 | Jy
78. [back]
- 2. A money order for $24
(Whitman's Commonplace Book, Charles E. Feinberg Collection of the Papers of
Walt Whitman, 1839–1919, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.). See
Whitman's letter to Rossetti of July 28,
1878. [back]
- 3. Whitman referred to "A
Poet's Recreation," published in the New York Tribune on
July 4, 1878. [back]