Oct 11 p m
Dearest friend
I am spending a few days down at the old farm, "White Horse"1—wandering most all day (well clad & shod, for it is cool weather here) about the banks, trees, grass &c. by the very secluded beautiful druidic creek—have just picked up a few leaves that seem'd to offer
themselves to send specially to you, which I enclose.
I am feeling middling well, for me. Shall send you word—or rather shall send myself—soon as
I come back to town—Meanwhile love to you all—
Walt Whitman
- 1. Whitman was at the
Stafford farm in Kirkwood from October 10 to 19 (Whitman's Commonplace Book,
Charles E. Feinberg Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman, 1839–1919,
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.). Whitman called on the Gilchrists
frequently in Philadelphia after their arrival on September 10, and was
accompanied by John Burroughs on September 14 and 15 (Whitman's Commonplace
Book). [back]