Thanks my dear friend for your hospitable & affectionate letter, & invitations. I too want to come & see you all, & be with you from time to time—hoping it may be good & a comfort to all of us—to me surely—
—As (though better this winter) decidedly sensitive to the cold—how would it do for me to have a little sheet-iron
wood stove, & some wood sawed & cut, & carried up in the south room, immediately adjoining the one I before occupied?—Could it be done?—Is there a hole
in the chimney in that room—or place for stove pipe?—
—I am getting along quite well—& shall be over very soon—possibly Thursday—
Walt Whitman(A pretty good fire—& a wood fire—is to me I find the greatest physical comfort I can have this weather—I should want to select & purchase, & have put up myself, the stove, wood, &c.)
Dec 12