Let me make my propositions as plainly as possible.1
Rees Welsh & Co: to publish Leaves of Grass, (in a style as good as the Osgood issue) from W W's electrotype plates to retail at $2—to pay W W a royalty of 35 cts on every copy sold. This agreement to remain in force blank2 and as much longer as both parties mutually agree.
R W & Co. to have the privilege of purchasing from W W the plates of L of G., with the steel engraving & the wood cut, for the sum of 400. cash. After so purchasing W W's royalty to be at 25 cts a copy
Rees Welsh & Co: to electrotype, in the best manner at their sole expense, & publish W W's Prose Writings, Specimen Days (now mostly in MS) as a companion volume to Leaves of Grass, to be of about the same size & in equally good type, paper & style & to retail at $2—R W & Co: to pay W W a royalty of 22 cents on every copy sold—said R W & Co. to have the sole right to publish Specimen Days for five years, and as much longer as mutually agreed
A special edition of Leaves of Grass for holiday presents in handsome binding, (say half calf, gilt) may be published, price $5. For these W W's royalty to be 87½ cts a copy.
W W is to be the sole owner of the copyright of Specimen Days.
W W to have 25 copies of the first 1000 of Specimen Days, without charge.
R W & Co: to publish Walt Whitman a Study, by Dr R M Bucke of Canada, in a 12mo volume of about three hundred pages, on condition that Dr. B. secures the American copyright
A royalty of [no handwritten text supplied here] to be paid Dr B.
WW a Study to retail at $2—will call soon3