I could not resist the inclination to write to you this morning it seems more than a week since i saw you there is hardly anything of interest transpired since you went away except occasionaly some one inquires for the Major, or the General or some familiar name which no doubt which you have heard so often Dear Walt I have examined that book (Pollards History) and i am Very much displeased with it find it is quite the opposite from what was led to believe thought it mentioned the movements of the different companys & Regiments am sorry that made such a mistake because the Book is of no interest to me
inclosed you will find somemthing from this mornings Cronicle it seems the Washington Papers has you right for once am very impatient to hear from you to know that you are doing well Dave & all the rest of the Rail Road boys is well & sends their best respects mother had a very sick headache when left home this morning have to cut this short as write a part of it while the car is in motion
farewell Peter Doyle