I received your letter of the 29th yesterday the 30th inst & was very glad to hear you was doing so well I am happy to state that I am well & doing well in fact everything is doing firstrate at present we have had quite a little alteration in R. R. matters since i wrote last which got the boys up to the highest pitch of excitement Mr Dunning has resigned his position as President of the Road & Mr Riker also of New york has taken his place I expect you will remmember Riker as being President of the Road for a short time before they have also Issued new rates in regard to carrying Baggage & Market Baskets
hereafter it will be as follows for a large trunk 4. fares middlen size 3. fares small one 2 fares for a large market basket 2 fares small one 1 fare for a small Valise 1 fare so you see we have a lively time with the Passengers carrying out such rules. you remember when you went away that at about the same time Mr Noyes went away on a pleasant trip he has wrote several letters for the Star which i expect you have noticed you will find an interesting letter in Wednesday paper which i sent you it is about chicago I see today that several of the Departments which has been stopping work at 3 o clock has commenced to work until 4 o'clock
I showed your letter to Jimmy Sorrill & it tickled his very much as he did not know that i told you what he said about that
young lady. he sends his best love I also reminded you Pastie[illegible] to Tom Hassett & it pleased him very much he also sends his best love. Dave Henry Hunt & the californian ' Towers & all the rest of the boys sends love & best respects to you we have had some splendid weather for 3. or 4 days but it is clouding up today & i expect more wet weather. I hear that the Rickings opera troupe is playing to very good Houses i have not been to see them yet
Gen. Frank Blair has been here this week but the Democracy did not turn out as they usually do when some big fellow arrives I expect you will get tired of so much scribbling as its done with a lead pencil & very often in the car
yours truly Pete