I have got back here after ten weeks' absence, & find myself all the better for my trip (& for what it has developed, & sort o' crystallized)—but discover that I need a spell of quiet and slip shod—Thought I should like the Delaware river trip, & have been deferring to write decidedly, in hopes to go—but have concluded it is best for me not to try it—Write to me soon as you get this—Al Johnston would be a good one to take1—there is manliness in the boy—& he needs such a trip
Nothing very new with me. I am well. I get a stray order now & then from England2—a long letter yesterday from Edward Carpenter (I shouldn't wonder if he panned out finely)3—I have sent you papers from here which of course you have rec'd —I enclose the baby's photo, returned4—my sister thinks of her own lost darling whenever she looks at it—If you get others any time, send me one to keep—I am taking it easy—sleep & eat well—Splendid days & nights here lately—
How is 'Sula? How the plantation? Remembrances to Smith