To | R U Johnson
2316 Pine street
St Louis
Oct 29 '79
Dear Sir1
Your note has just reached me here, where I am temporarily stopping—I could not
well tell you the names of "the young men referred to," because I spoke mainly of a
class, or rather of a leaven & spirit—
—My talk to the newspaper here the other day has been extracted from in so dislocated
& awry a manner—was printed here indeed so badly—that I enclose you
herewith a hastily corrected slip—If you know some N Y paper or literary
publication in whose line it might come, & that would like to print it, use it
for that purpose, at your discretion—& send me a couple of copies, (to
Camden)—If not available that way, let it go—
—I am laid up here disabled. My permanent address is 431 Stevens street Camden, New
Jersey—shall return there about Nov 15—
Walt Whitman
- 1. Robert Underwood Johnson
(1853–1937) was on the staff of The Century
Magazine from 1873 to 1913, and was U. S. ambassador to Italy in 1920
and 1921. Whitman included in this letter a news release based on an interview
printed in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on October 17, in
which he criticized William Cullen Bryant, John Greenleaf Whittier, and Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow (reprinted in American Literature,
14 [1942–1943], 144–147). See also Robert Underwood Johnson, Remembered Yesterdays (Boston: Little, Brown, 1923), 336,
and Specimen Days, ed. Floyd Stovall (New York: New York
University Press, 1963), 167. [back]