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Walt Whitman to Karl Knortz, 19 June 1883

Thanks for the copy German rendering "Cradle Endlessly Rocking" & for all the other German renderings of my pieces which you have sent me, & which I carefully keep, & prize—Dr R M Bucke has just published a book about me & my poems—& having two or three advance copies (in paper) at my disposal I should like to send you one. Shall I send it as before (by mail) to cor: Morris av: and 155th Street? (See the N. Y. Critic June 16)—

Walt Whitman


  • 1. This letter is addressed: Dr Karl Knortz | Cor: Morris Avenue | & 155th Street | New York City. It is postmarked: Philadelphia | Pa. | Jun 19 83 | 2 30 PM; P.O. | 6-19-83 | 7-1 P | N.Y. [back]
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