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Walt Whitman to Edward Carpenter, 10 November 1881

I send you same mail with this the circular of my new & fuller L of G.—& enclose printed slips of some of the newer pieces—the Volume is copyrighted in England, & Trübner is the publisher & seller there—I have been away all summer—just ret'd to Camden—I am well as usual of late for me—H[arry] S[tafford] is well, he is still telegraphing—Write me soon as you get this—How about our dear friends the G[ilchrist]s? rec'd yours some six weeks ago—

Walt Whitman


  • 1. This letter bears the address: Edward Carpenter | Bradway | near Sheffield | England. It is postmarked: Camden | Nov | 10 | 7 AM | N.J.; Philadelphia | Nov | 10. [back]
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