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Walt Whitman to William Gardner Barton, 1 August [1877]

Dear Sir

Yours of July 29 rec'd1—I have some copies of John Burroughs's Notes on WW as Poet & Person, 2d edition, under my control2—the price is $1 a copy, sent by mail. Of my own works, complete edition, the enclosed circular will give you the particulars.

Walt Whitman


  • 1. William Gardner Barton (1851–1890) was a writer and naturalist whose writings were featured in the collection Songs and Saunterings (Salem, MA: The Salem Press Publishing & Printing Co., 1892). Barton wrote a letter to Whitman on November 12, 1876, requesting an autograph. The letter referenced here of July 29, 1877, has not been found. [back]
  • 2. John Burroughs's Notes on Walt Whitman, as Poet and Person was first published in New York in 1867. The text was extensively revised and rewritten by Whitman. [back]
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