The letters arrive safe—I have received three—& I am much obliged to you, Andy, for your attention. I am having good times here, rather quiet—My book is being printed—gets along rather slowly. I ride out on Long Island, & up New York, Central Park, &c. occasionally—the country is beautiful now—I take a walk on Broadway almost every afternoon—then sometimes a sail on the river or bay—so you see I am enjoying myself in my way—with three or four hours work every day reading my proofs, &c—
Andy, I suppose you are all getting along as usual—I enclose a line to Mat,2 which please give him—I send my love to you, Frank,3 Mat & Lewis—& for present, Farewell.
WaltP.S. Andy, should any more letters come, you may direct them to me at 279 East 55th st. New York City4—I expect to return about 12th Sept.
Finally, I must not neglect to impress upon your youthful mind—also upon that of Mr. F. Stitt—the original & solemn advice, "Be virtuous—& you will be happy."
—from your Christian friend—Walter.