Yours of yesterday rec'd, which settles the engagement. I shall forward the copy
soon. The name will be Walt Whitman's Poems—with the
sub-title Leaves of Grass in its place or places inside. I
suggest a 400 page book—in size, thickness, general appearance &c: closely
like Houghton & Mifflin's 1880 edition of Owen Meredith's
Poems, only better paper & print, & at least one size larger
type—I think in solid bourgeois (or long primer)—ought to be new
type—page the same size as the Owen Meredith (see outline in blue lines on the
picture I send) with the same rather narrow margin, which I prefer to wide—in
the make up every thing the reverse of free spacing out or
leading—of course not crowding too close either, but with an eye to compacting
the matter (for there is quite a good deal to go in the 400 pages)—plain green
muslin binding—binding costing say 15 or 16 cts.—no gilt edges—a
handsome, stately, plain book—
I shall get a new copyright out—Shall probably write to you in London about the English sale1—Can I get a British copyright by going to Canada? If so I will go—How would the enclosed picture do for a frontispiece? I like it—It is made by Gutekunst 712 Arch St Philadelphia—I think he would furnish them at three to four dollars a thousand.2
Walt WhitmanWho of your house shall I specially see & deal with if I should take a notion to come on to Boston in person with the copy—or after the type setting commences?