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Walt Whitman to James R. Osgood & Company, 8 December 1881

 yal.00112.001_large.jpg Dear Sirs

I suppose you have got word that Trübner & Co: decline being the London publishers or agents of our Leaves of Grass, & that a friend there (in whom I have great confidence) has in the mean time (I suppose until you can be consulted) placed the agency in the hands of David Bogue, St. Martin's Place, Trafalgar Square. My friend seems to speak in a very recommendatory manner of D. B., & thinks the transfer will be no detriment to the sale of L of G​ in the long run—(& somehow I get the same impression)1

Let me know soon as it is settled, as I have frequent occasion to give the London place of issue & deposit. I keep in good health for me—

Walt Whitman  yal.00112.002_large.jpg


  • 1. Benjamin Ticknor replied for James R. Osgood & Co. on December 10, and noted "a cable order for 250 copies more" from Bogue (The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman [New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1902], 8:287). [back]
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