Please send me here by express fifteen free copies Leaves of Grass for my disposal to editors, for notice—will send you list as disposed—Send also in same parcel thirty sets of the sheets of the new poems printed on one side—(see that both sheets are sent)—
Then another thing: I have a few copies remaining (between one & two hundred sets) of my old $10 centennial authographic two-Volume personal edition of L of G. , moderately sought after by collectors and specialists mostly in England—which I should like to sell whenever applied to—price $10— yal.00113.002_large.jpg yal.00113.003_large.jpgYou have no objections to my selling them? I dont think it would affect the new edition the slightest unfavorably—probably indeed do more good than harm to it—but is not of much importance any how—only (to me) as putting a few dollars in my pocket now & then—which I need—
Shall not sell them if you object1—
Walt Whitman yal.00113.004_large.jpg