431 Stevens Street
Camden New Jersey
Jan 11 '83
Dear Sir1
Yours of 2d just rec'd . The Centennial or 1876 edition of "Leaves of Grass" and "Two
Rivulets" (the ed'n preceding the last) is in two vols price $6 the two—I
have some copies & can furnish you with a set—Should you wish them send me
p o order & I will forward them by mail—
Walt Whitman
- 1. Edward Sprague Marsh
(1857–?) was a lawyer in Brandon, Vermont, a collector of rare books, and
the editor and publisher of the Brandon Chronicle in 1894
("Marsh, Edward Sprague," The Encyclopedia of Vermont
Biography, ed. Prentiss Cutler Dodge [Burlington, Vermont: Ullery
Publishing Company, 1912], 258). [back]